If you're at all familiar with Dojo, you'll know that it's primarily a toolkit for building browser-based web apps. So how do I go about using it in a Firefox extension or as part of a XULRunner app? It's actually pretty straight-forward, but there's not a lot of documentation. For that reason, I thought I'd throw together this quick blog post both for my own memory and maybe to help out other people who try to do the same thing in the future.
Step #1: Create a custom Dojo build
There are a bunch of resources for how to do this generally, but I'll describe the process quickly. What's most important to know are the few parameters that you'll need to put into your build profile to generate a build of Dojo that will work.
First, download the Dojo SDK. As of today, Dojo downloads are available at http://dojotoolkit.org/download/. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the SDK, and download either the .tgz or .zip versions depending on which compression method works best for you.
Now we create the custom build. To do this, you need to create a build profile. Some sample build profiles are included in the SDK that you downloaded at <dojo src dir>/util/buildscripts/profiles.
I started by copying the Rhino profile in rhino.profile.js to another file, such as xulrunner.profile.js. In your new build profile, make the following changes:
- Change hostenvType = "rhino" to hostenvType = "ff_ext".
- Modify the prefixes section as needed to include the Dojo extensions that you need. I personally kept dojox but removed shrinksafe from the Rhino profile. You might want to add other prefixes, though most of the other libraries (such as dijit) have to do with creating widgets and that capability seems less useful in the XULRunner environment.
<dojo src dir>/util/buildscripts/build.sh profile=xulrunner action=release
This will create a new release directory at the same level as your dojo src directory.
Step #2: Add the Dojo code to your XULRunner project
How you do this depends a bit on the structure of your XULRunner project. Assuming you're creating a normal app and using the standard conventions, you should have a content directory in your XULRunner project which contains a XUL file (let's call it main.xul) that defines the user interface for your main window.
First, copy the dojo release directory that you created in step #1 inside your content directory. I named this directory dojo, and in my configuration the dojo.js file was located at content/dojo/dojo/dojo.js. The remaining description assumes these locations, so make changes as necessary for your application.
To enable Dojo for your project, add the following lines near the top of the main.xul file:
// Specify the name of the package (from chrome.manifest)
var packageName = "package";
// Determine the current locale so that we can pass it to Dojo
// Code taken from:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/En/How_to_enable_locale_switching_in_a_XULRunner_application
var chromeRegService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"].getService();
var xulChromeReg = chromeRegService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIXULChromeRegistry);
var selectedLocale = xulChromeReg.getSelectedLocale(packageName);
// Create the Dojo configuration structure
var djConfig = {
isDebug: true,
locale: selectedLocale,
baseUrl: 'chrome://highlightxr/content/dojo/dojo/'
<script src="chrome://highlightxr/content/dojo/dojo/dojo.js" type="application/x-javascript"/>
Note that internationalization is important to me, so I added some extra code to get the current locale from XULRunner and pass that value to Dojo. That may not matter to you, in which case you can just manually set locale in djConfig to "en-US" or whatever the appropriate string may be.
You'll also need to insert your own package name in the snippet above. This is the name that you specified in your chrome.manifest file.
I hope that helps!
If you need any help with Dojo, I suggest checking out their web site or looking at Dojo: The Definitive Guide
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